Vis Dialogue Holistic Counseling

Vis means Vitality in Latin. Vis Dialogue is therefore a conversation with the inner vitality, the vital force, the intelligent power that animates the body and is constantly striving to move the organism towards a state of health. The body and mind are deeply intertwined and are mutually influencing each other at every moment, and thus physical illness can often be rooted in the realm of the mind. Vis Dialogue is a powerful way of investigating the mind in order to discover the mental causes of disease. 

About Holistic Counseling

Vis Dialogue Holistic Counseling is a counseling technique used to address both physical and mental/emotional conditions and symptoms through the mind-emotion-body connection. What happens in the mind, such as thoughts, beliefs, and self talk, will eventually show up in the body as symptoms. During a counseling session, we usually start by investigating what is bothering a person the most, which can be either physical or emotional, or even an external situation (such as a work conflict). Through an exploration of the physical and emotional landscape we ultimately come to a place in the mind, a point of unconscious suffering that influences the body, how a person behaves, and choices they make. This unconscious suffering is often a strongly held belief or fear. This could be the belief that “without a partner, I’m worthless”, or “I’m afraid to take action because I don’t want to fail”. And this belief always comes from somewhere – some trauma, some uncomfortable experience, remembered or not. This is a therapy that connects the dots from the outside to the inside.

Vis Dialogue Holistic Counseling is deep work. Sessions tend to be scheduled every 4-6 weeks as opposed to traditional talk therapy, which is often weekly. The first session is usually the longest and is scheduled for 2 hours. Follow ups are 75–90 minutes. You’ll be given homework to do on your own time in order to integrate what is brought to awareness during the session. It not only transforms your body’s healing but ripples out into the rest of your life. Imagine no longer believing you’re worthless, no longer believing that you’re not allowed to express yourself. How could your health and your life be different without these deep unconscious beliefs weighing you down? When it comes to the Vis Dialogue, be patient and kind to yourself. Your anxiety or depression wasn’t created overnight, but your decision to heal can be the start of relief.


The Vis Dialogue is a conversation with the intelligent vital power that controls and balances the life activity in each person. It is a holistic counseling technique that allows for the exploration of symptoms, conditions, or diseases connecting to the realm of the mind; these symptoms can be physical, emotional, mental, or a combination of all of them. It helps establish where and how symptoms begin in the mind, so that the person can go upstream to the root cause and heal at the source. The ultimate goal of the vis dialogue to allow a person to come to their own awareness about how their mind is influencing their symptoms or disease, so they can be empowered to make positive changes towards the direction of health. It helps a person to discover a core root belief (which is false) that they can stop believing in order to heal. And once the source is healed, like the bottom level of a house of cards being pulled, symptoms start to resolve and one can be restored back to health. 

Mind and body are intimately connected. The body is like a faithful puppy dog, following the instructions of the mind (which come as thoughts, beliefs, self-talk, etc). What we believe about ourselves to be true first shows up in our emotions and then in our bodies, and can give rise to symptoms or diseases. Take constipation as an example. What is constipation? It’s the inability to fully expel or release waste from our bowels. The energy of constipation is a holding or inability to let go. This further gives rise to perfectionism and being obsessively detail-oriented, which shows in how we use the word “uptight”. Every physical symptom has its corresponding thought or mental pattern. 

The Vis dialogue includes the body, which is a more holistic approach. Traditional talk therapy can often stay at the surface level for weeks to months. People who have experienced both the vis dialogue and talk therapy often report that the vis dialogue sessions are like 10 talk therapy sessions in one, because they experience breakthroughs much more quickly. In a vis dialogue session we are exploring to find a core root belief one holds to be true, but is in fact false, so that they can let it go and no longer believe the false sense it holds. Examples of some core root beliefs include “I’m not lovable if I’m not pretty/skinny/smart/rich/perfect”, “I’m worthless if I’m not this/that”, and “I’m stupid, therefore no one wants me”. These are conditional statements that we work through together. 

This differs from person to person. The ultimate goal is to bring awareness to a root core belief that is negatively impacting your health. This can happen during the first session or it may take several sessions to get there. Dr. Dana will ask you questions in a manner that allows your ego, or wounded self, to speak so that you can reveal subconscious beliefs connected to your symptoms/condition. Many people experience breakthroughs during sessions which opens up to deep healing.

Rest, take time to care for yourself. It’s best to limit responsibilities and obligations or plans after your sessions that require a lot of energy.

Come with an open mind. Set up your computer in a quiet and private space with limited distractions. Turn off notifications or turn off your phone entirely. Light a candle or incense to bring your awareness to the present moment. 

Try to keep your schedule clear after your session to spend time in nature, take a bath, or lie down so that you give yourself the space to feel and integrate what you have discovered about yourself.

Sessions are scheduled every 4-6 weeks. After your session is finished, you’ll be scheduled for a 30-minute check-in the following week. The sessions notes will be sent to you afterwards so that you can read them on your own time. This helps you to glean any residual “aha’s” for further awareness and healing.

Some patients drop their false beliefs in one session, whereas for others it can take several months or years. It depends on the person and their willingness. It’s simple, and it’s not easy to stop believing something you’ve believed for decades. But with your newfound awareness that comes forth, you know more and can choose differently. Once a person discovers the core false belief leading to their illness, they usually notice their symptoms dissipate rather quickly, sometimes spontaneously. Others may experience a “healing crisis” where symptoms appear to get worse before they get better. This is totally fine and natural, a part of the process. 


Dr Lockhart is a gifted practitioner and I feel very fortunate to have met her! I have done a lot of talk therapy and a lot of acupuncture in the last 40 years with varying degrees of success. Beginning in January of 22 I began seeing Dana for holistic counseling combined with acupuncture. The combination has worked wonders for me! The VIS dialogue is an amazing practice. I was able to work through quite a few deep seated emotions stemming from past trauma and abuse. Some long standing physical issues have subsided with the emotional release the dialogue has provided. With Dana’s powerful intuitive direction and loving non judgmental patience I have done a deep dive into myself and uncovered some surprising truths. It takes work and commitment on my part but I have opened a wise dialogue within myself. The angry self loathing drill Sargent voice has lost its power and I feel more worthy than I ever have. Dana has helped me find invaluable tools I use on a daily to keep me grounded and be kinder to myself. I’m still a work in progress but a much happier, freer work. I can’t sing Dr. Lockhart’s praises enough. She truly is a gift. The dialogue in combination with the acupuncture to get healing energy going where it needs to go is a serious dynamic duo! I recommend Dr. Lockhart to anyone who has done therapy but hasn’t found any solid answers. She has truly helped me unlock a better, happier me!!!
Dr. Lockhart is amazing, compassionate, and skilled. Working with her has changed my life. I see her for acupuncture and holistic counseling. The combination has led me to breakthroughs in my my mental health and my physical wellbeing. Anxiety that I thought was impossible to navigate, I'm now navigating. I can't recommend Dr. Lockhart enough! No matter what you need help with, she can help.

About Whole Systems Healthcare

WSHC Seattle Clinic is a member of a larger 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.   Our mission is to develop a thriving integrative healthcare system built in the vision of holistic medicine clinicians, researchers, educators, and the communities they serve.

Our compassionate team of providers offer integrative primary care for all ages and genders, as well as targeted naturopathic adjunctive support for all of your health concerns. 

We take the time to listen to you, respect your opinion, and care for you as a whole person through a truly holistic approach. 

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