Sarah Clark, MA, LPCC


Sarah's Clinic Website

Hi, I’m Sarah Clark, a mental health counselor with a deep passion for helping others reconnect with their mind, emotions, body, and spirit. As a therapist, I believe these connections are our natural state, though life’s challenges often disrupt them. Can anyone relate? Cue the collective sigh.

Growing up, I was taught to see my body as separate from and inferior to my mind and spirit, leading me to distrust my body’s signals and wisdom. My perspective began to change profoundly during childbirth. Experiencing the incredible power and intuition of my body during that time shattered the myth of its inferiority. This pivotal moment led me to explore yoga, where I discovered the life-affirming connection between breath, body, and spirit. Over the past 12 years of practicing Ashtanga yoga, I’ve learned to trust and listen to my body, transforming my self-criticism into a voice of kindness and encouragement. Who knew a little deep breathing could do so much good?

My journey inspired me to become a therapist, aiming to help others discover their own inner space of healing and self-acceptance, whether through physical practice or other means. I studied Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling at Naropa University. That’s a mouthful to say I'm trained to help you connect deeply with yourself, your relationships, and the broader world—whether that's nature, the divine, or whatever you believe lies beyond this realm. I work with where you are at, with how you see the world. I am training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, which is a modality to help process trauma somatically, to heal the nervous system, and to regain a sense of safety in the body.

I view mental health as a cornerstone of overall well-being and strive to create a safe space for discussing life’s challenges, questioning societal norms, and exploring the intersection of sexuality and spirituality. I am passionate about fostering healthy interpersonal relationships and finding innovative paths to healing. Basically, I love to shake things up in the best way possible.

On a personal note, I’ve been married for 22 years, experiencing the ever-evolving versions of myself and my partner. We joke that we’ve been married to at least 50 different versions of each other! We have four teenagers who keep life lively and full. (Send coffee and patience.) With three decades of diverse spiritual practice, I find beauty in the simplest things and express my creativity through art. Alongside my dedicated Ashtanga yoga practice, I’ve recently embraced weightlifting and acrobatics. Because, why not? I love to read, write, and spend time in the mountains, embracing all that nature has to offer.

Thank you for allowing me to share my journey. I look forward to helping you on yours.


Day Time Address
mon 11:00am - 4:00pm 2575 Pearl St STE 230, Boulder, CO 80302
tue 11:00am - 4:00pm 2575 Pearl St STE 230, Boulder, CO 80302
wed 11:00am - 4:00pm Virtual Appointments