Clinical Care

Treating the whole person

The WSHC Clinical Care Initiative, led by Dr. Kye Peven, strives to increase access to high-quality holistic medicine.  Our focus on holistic medicine necessitates a shift in the way we think about healthcare.  These areas include:

  • A focus on health that is equal or greater to the focus on disease
  • Working towards individualized medicine
  • Emphasizing the doctor-patient relationship
  • Recognizing that health is priceless
  • Offering Direct-Care in place of Fee-For-Service
  • Recognizing the limitations of using insurance for healthcare

For a more detailed examination of these topics see [link].

In service to these concepts, our work encompasses:

  • Developing nonprofit holistic clinics throughout North America through a sustainable, collaborative business model
  • Creating employment opportunities for holistic clinicians
  • Mentoring Clinic Directors on business development
  • Facilitating access to integrative medicine for the underserved
  • Fostering integration among multiple medical models in a clinical environment