Endobiogeny: A Global Systems Approach to Medicine and Physiology

Endobiogeny is a global systems approach to medicine and physiology that is based on an integrated assessment of neuroendocrine management of the organism. Systems science is about appreciating structures and functions in terms of the interrelatedness and interdependence of their activity relative to one another. Endobiogeny, when applied to human physiology, simultaneously considers the global system, as well as other wholes within the system: cellular, tissular, organ activity in and of themselves and in relationship with each other and the rest of the global system. To evaluate complex, self-organizing, highly coherent living systems, an approach that reflects this complexity and maintains a level of integrity consistent with the dynamism of life is required—Endobiogeny has that potential as a clinical tool.

Endobiogeny is a theory of terrain. It uses the endocrine system as a functional model of systems management of this terrain. Because the life of the human body exists in a state of permanent fluctuation (metabolism), it requires a system that is capable of simultaneously evaluating, regulating, and managing the organism while also managing itself (via feedback). The endocrine system is the only system in the body that possesses these qualities. Thus, it is the primary object of study in Endobiogeny. The autonomic nervous system plays a calibrating role, hence the notion of “neuroendocrine” management of the terrain.

From the theory of Endobiogeny, a biological modeling system was developed by French physician Christian Duraffourd, MD, in the early 1980’s based on a number of specific indexes defined by mathematical relations between commonly used blood biomarkers (i.e. complete blood count with differential). The modeling system is called the Biology of Functions (i.e. functional biomarker analysis). The indices of the Biology of Functions (BoF) are derived from direct and indirect ratios of biomarkers and derived indexes. The selected biomarkers are the result of neuroendocrine management of metabolism of tissues and organs (i.e. white blood cells from the bone marrow, thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary, lactate dehydrogenase from muscle, liver, and other major sources, etc.)

The BoF model simulates multi-scale biologic activity quantitatively and qualitatively with respect to frame of reference and/or level of function being investigated (i.e. the effect of thyroid metabolism at the global vs. the tissular vs. the cellular level; then relative to other systems such as the adrenals, etc.). Its value in medicine is that it can allow for a longitudinal assessment of the evolution of an individual’s terrain across time and under the influence of a particular series of therapeutic interventions. It is both an objective, quantitative evaluation while simultaneously being a qualitative assessment because it evaluates relative actions of one physiologic process to another. It is important to note that this modeling tool is used as a means of corroboration with subjective and objective findings derived from a careful history and physical examination being put into the context of any given individuals. The BoF is not claiming to be a sole representation of the vivid human experience.

From an Endobiogenic perspective, the endocrine system is the manager of the terrain, therefore, every disorder—be it physiologic, physical, mental or emotional—directly or indirectly implicates a certain degree of endocrine dysfunction. From this proposition, it can be said that there is no discipline of health care, from trauma surgery to geriatrics, from dentistry to pediatrics, and physical therapies to acute deteriorating conditions that cannot be assessed according to an Endobiogenic analysis noted above. Stated another way, there is no physical illness that does not have dysfunctional structural or functional elements rooted in dysfunctional management of the terrain through the neuroendocrine system. Thus, as a clinical tool, Endobiogeny contains the capacity to embrace, deepen, and enrich long-established medical spheres while also respecting all healing approaches in a qualitative and appropriate manner.

Endobiogeny and Whole Systems Healthcare

The advancement of modern medical knowledge and research decades old were important in improving how we conceptualize health, disease and treatments. However, the methods of analysis and interpretation often reduces complex systems to simple linear chains of causality, neglecting or marginalizing the subtle reality of profound interconnection and relationship among all things manifest. Endobiogeny is a science and an approach to medicine that relies on both linear and non-linear relationships, which will be important in creating a more holistic framework in healthcare. It is all about the relationships.

The work of pioneering scientists and medical researchers before us in a multitude of fields from cellular physiology to contemplative meditation to social sciences presents an opportunity to reflect on discovered relationships and then recontextualize, recapitulate, and reimagine them into a more integrated, differentiated, accommodating and transcendent whole(s)—a whole systems approach to healthcare.

Whole Systems Healthcare is dedicated to promoting systematic transformation of the organization of health facilities and delivery of healthcare options. Endobiogeny promotes the transformation of medical analysis of the individual provider (through the theory of Endobiogeny and the Biology of Functions BoF tool) and the rights of their patients. It integrates the human experience of health and illness with psychological, cultural, geographic, geomagnetic, meteorologic, and cosmobiologic considerations that affect the rhythmicity of all living systems across space and time. Both groups encourage a system of healthcare that is qualitative and contextual, supportive and communicative, aware and humble, subjective and objective.

Whole Systems Healthcare and Endobiogeny are resonant because each are rooted in similar tenets of a multi-dimensional respect for life and universal inclusion of worldviews and healing traditions. Both systems are emergent and inherently reliant on the pioneering discoveries across fields of inquiry.

Implementing Endobiogeny as the basis for further research and modeling within the Whole Systems Healthcare organization can be a symbiotic and supportive collaboration because both acknowledge the multiscale nature of life and the complex individual, physiologic, cultural, and social systems emerging from it (i.e. consciousness, healthcare, etc.). They work on different scales of organization and structure, creating a truly complimentary approach to healthcare organization, their providers, and the patients that they serve.
