Synopsis Insomnia can be caused by stagnation of various substances, such as qi, blood, food, or phlegm. Qi stagnation in…
- June 14, 2022
How to Eat to Support Poor Digestion
Synopsis Spleen Qi deficiency, common with many digestive issues, is widespread in our society. It manifests primarily with digestive problems…
- June 13, 2022
Understanding Digestion – Its Role in Chronic Disease
Synopsis The Stomach in Chinese Medicine is responsible for the suppression of indigestible toxins, chemicals, emotions, and experiences. The digestive…
Synopsis The Stomach is the seat of nourishment in the body and supplies energy to the rest of the organ…
- June 13, 2022
Understanding Digestion – The Microbiome
Synopsis The microbiome, the community of microorganisms living in our guts, is an integral part of us. They aid in…
- June 13, 2022
Understanding Digestion – The Gut’s Nervous System
Synopsis Neurotransmitter, popularly known as brain chemicals, are also used by the nervous system of the gut. For many of…
- May 4, 2022
Beans and Gas: Clearing the Air
More than a decade ago, the Quarterly Journal of Medicine published a review entitled: “Vegetarian Diet: Panacea for modern lifestyle disease?” The…